Post by Firecracker on Dec 14, 2011 23:51:22 GMT -5
"Well, she might still be here for all I know! I left soon after, so I never really had the chance to see her again," Fire reminded Wraith quickly, her face a deep shade of red.
"Trust me, she wasn't a ghost. She was real. Very real."
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A bundle of broken nerves, a mouth full of words I'm still afraid to say
Posts: 886
Post by Wraith on Dec 15, 2011 0:00:41 GMT -5
Wraith nodded solemnly, somewhat in awe. "Well, I...I won't ask you who. But I'm...I'm sorry it didn't count." She felt that your first time should always count for something. Your first time with someone you wanted to be with, that is. She would never, ever count all those men...the thought made her stomach churn.
Post by Firecracker on Dec 15, 2011 0:08:19 GMT -5
"It's okay, Clara.... it's not your fault," she reminded Wraith, her smile returning.
"I'm sorry that it didn't work out with that girl in Brooklyn, whoever she is." Sure, Fire didn't know too much about the situation between Wraith and the mysterious girl from Brooklyn, but she was sure it still hurt to some degree.
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A bundle of broken nerves, a mouth full of words I'm still afraid to say
Posts: 886
Post by Wraith on Dec 15, 2011 0:16:26 GMT -5
"It's okay," Wraith said softly. "Kennedy's a...a free spirit, I guess. She couldn't be tied down, and I kind of knew that all along. Wherever she's run off to now, I'm sure she's happy. And I'm...well, at the moment, I'm pretty happy too." She grinned at Fire.
Post by Firecracker on Dec 15, 2011 0:19:32 GMT -5
"Are you?" Fire asked the other girl, her cheeks starting to burn as she could feel herself blush. "I'm pretty happy right now, too. Rainstorm and all."
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A bundle of broken nerves, a mouth full of words I'm still afraid to say
Posts: 886
Post by Wraith on Dec 15, 2011 0:25:00 GMT -5
"I'm glad." She smiled, then yawned, slumping against Fire's shoulder as if they'd known each other forever. "I wonder what time it is..."
Post by Firecracker on Dec 15, 2011 0:27:25 GMT -5
"I don't want to know," she laughed as she reluctantly let her eyes close. "I don't want to think about morning, and getting up to leave the attic."
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A bundle of broken nerves, a mouth full of words I'm still afraid to say
Posts: 886
Post by Wraith on Dec 15, 2011 0:40:32 GMT -5
"So maybe we won't leave," Wraith murmured sleepily. "Maybe we'll stay up here forever. People will think the place is haunted. They'll come up here and see us walking around in our sheets, and we'll make scary groaning noises, and they'll leave us alone. And we can eat fried mice and watch the rain outside the windows..." Pleasant, fuzzy dreams were closing over her. She snuggled against her new...friend? sweetheart?...and let them come.
Post by Firecracker on Dec 15, 2011 0:51:33 GMT -5
"Fried mice? Now I know you're tired," Fire teased with a yawn. Her eyes slowly closed as she curled up against Wraith. As tired as she was, she almost didn't want to sleep. If she were to fall asleep, this would all end. She didn't want to think about what they would have to face the next day. Would Wraith even still be up there when she finally woke up again in the morning? Her mind raced with thoughts but they, too, soon slowed to a stop as she let herself drift off to what was, without a doubt, the best night of sleep she had experienced in what seemed like months.
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A bundle of broken nerves, a mouth full of words I'm still afraid to say
Posts: 886
Post by Wraith on Dec 15, 2011 0:54:19 GMT -5
((<3<3<3 ;D TO BE CONTINUED. ...possibly with Wraith telling the sad and epic tale of how her brother got shot.  'Night!))
Post by Firecracker on Dec 15, 2011 1:00:53 GMT -5
((hahaha awww!! <3 Night!!))