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For we all are caught in the middle of one long, treacherous riddle.
Posts: 147
Post by Riddle on Dec 1, 2011 23:20:03 GMT -5
It had taken a bit of asking around (and more than a bit of flirtation), but Riddle had finally managed to ascertain that her and Gypsy's old "business partner", Jimmy, lived in an apartment right here on the East Side with "some hussy." It was the best lead she and Sammie had, so she led the younger girl into the building, found the right door, and knocked rather nervously.
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Post by Gypsy on Dec 1, 2011 23:23:12 GMT -5
It was late, but Gypsy was awake, curled in bed reading every book on having babies the library had to offer. When she heard the knock at the door, she sat up, confused.
Jimmy wasn't home, and he wouldn't have knocked.
She slipped on her robe and padded out to the door, looking through the peephole. "Oh, you've got to be shittin' me!" She threw open the door, glowering. "What the fuck do you want?!"
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For we all are caught in the middle of one long, treacherous riddle.
Posts: 147
Post by Riddle on Dec 1, 2011 23:24:35 GMT -5
Riddle gave her a weary, rather annoyed look. "What the fuck did I do? This one just tagged along." She jerked her thumb at Sammie. "She's got something to tell us, though."
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Posts: 333
Post by Sammie on Dec 1, 2011 23:26:25 GMT -5
"I think I know where Eastman is," said Sammie, getting right to the point before Gypsy had an opportunity to punch her in the face.
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Post by Gypsy on Dec 1, 2011 23:28:06 GMT -5
Gypsy paused, giving her a dark look. She thought for a minute, running her tongue over her teeth.
Jimmy could use this information. And she wanted Eastman's head on a platter.
"Fine." She turned and walked into the living room, leaving the door open for them.
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For we all are caught in the middle of one long, treacherous riddle.
Posts: 147
Post by Riddle on Dec 1, 2011 23:32:43 GMT -5
Riddle followed her in and looked around wistfully, devouring the place with her eyes. She hadn't been inside a proper home in over a year. It almost made her want to burst into tears. "You got a shower? Scratch that, got any food?" Monk Eastman really wasn't her top priority at the moment.
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Post by Gypsy on Dec 1, 2011 23:35:34 GMT -5
Gypsy nodded, still frowning. "I'll make somethin'. Go take a shower first. It's down the hall." Riddle looked a mess, and Sammie didn't look much better.
She moved to the kitchen, putting the leftover soup on the stove to heat.
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Posts: 333
Post by Sammie on Dec 1, 2011 23:38:25 GMT -5
Sammie watched as Riddle ran towards the shower before sitting down at the dining table. "You, uh, need help with anything?" she asked awkwardly, not quite sure what to do.
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Post by Gypsy on Dec 1, 2011 23:50:00 GMT -5
Gypsy only glared at her. "Not from you, I don't." She stirred the soup. "Ya know, you got a lot a' nerve, showing up here after what you did to me."
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Posts: 333
Post by Sammie on Dec 1, 2011 23:52:40 GMT -5
"It wasn't me who did that to you," snapped Sammie, rolling her eyes at her. "Besides, weren't those two your friends or something?"
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Post by Gypsy on Dec 1, 2011 23:56:19 GMT -5
Gypsy snapped back at her. "I don't have friends. I have Jimmy. I can't trust anybody else."
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Post by Sammie on Dec 1, 2011 23:59:07 GMT -5
"Yeah, well, neither can I," retorted Sammie, wondering why she was here in the first place.
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Post by Gypsy on Dec 2, 2011 0:01:40 GMT -5
She threw open a cabinet, getting bowls and slamming them onto the counter. This girl better hope that Riddle comes back in quick, because Gypsy's patience was wearing thin.
New Member
For we all are caught in the middle of one long, treacherous riddle.
Posts: 147
Post by Riddle on Dec 2, 2011 0:11:13 GMT -5
After a while, Riddle did return, wrapped in a towel and seriously hoping the man of the house wouldn't walk into the room. Unlike most of the men she'd worked with, Jimmy had never seen her partially dressed. "So, you two been bonding?" she asked with a tired smirk, slumping into a chair, eyeing Gypsy with her bowl of soup like she was the Savior come at last. ((I must sleep! Sorry!  To be continued?))
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Posts: 1,148
Post by Gypsy on Dec 2, 2011 0:12:44 GMT -5
((Of course! Night!))
Gypsy sent her a Look, but brought them both a bowl of soup. "Right. Bonding. Now eat before I change my mind and kick you out."