Post by jimmyconnelly on Dec 4, 2011 19:22:35 GMT -5
Jimmy rolled his eyes and then lit a cigarette. "Gypsy's got a point. And me and Tristan never fail to take care of our shit." Jimmy was omitting the fact that Tristan was out of commission since he'd been shot, but obviously Sammie knew that since she'd been the reason for that in the first place.
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For we all are caught in the middle of one long, treacherous riddle.
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Post by Riddle on Dec 4, 2011 19:28:55 GMT -5
"He'll let me help," Riddle said flatly, raising an eyebrow slightly at the news about Goblin and Script. "Let me worry about that. 'Sides, Sammie here's gonna lead us to Eastman, and her and Goblin have this connection." She smirked at Sammie.
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Post by Sammie on Dec 4, 2011 20:12:45 GMT -5
Sammie narrowed her eyes at Riddle. "I can get him to do it," she finally said after a couple of moments.
Post by jimmyconnelly on Dec 4, 2011 20:50:06 GMT -5
"Fine, do what youse want." Jimmy held up his hands and disappeared into the kitchen.
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Post by Gypsy on Dec 4, 2011 20:54:43 GMT -5
Gypsy sighed. "Jimmy." She followed after him. "Jimmy, maybe they got a point. Let them stick their necks out, take the brunt of it. You can do clean up, if you have to, but at least you won't get hurt. 'Cause I'll be pissed if you end up with a bullet in your arm like Shamien."
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For we all are caught in the middle of one long, treacherous riddle.
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Post by Riddle on Dec 4, 2011 20:56:39 GMT -5
Riddle, meanwhile, looked triumphant for all of five seconds before her face sobered at the thought of what she'd just promised to do. "You better be right about Eastman's hideout," she muttered, giving Sammie a menacing look.
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Post by Sammie on Dec 4, 2011 21:11:25 GMT -5
"At this point, I just want Eastman gone," said Sammie, wondering how she got caught up in this mess in the first place.
Post by jimmyconnelly on Dec 4, 2011 21:23:42 GMT -5
"Alright I'll leave it alone." Jimmy wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead.
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Post by Gypsy on Dec 4, 2011 21:25:30 GMT -5
Gypsy nodded, leading him back to the other girls. She kept an arm around his middle, though. "Alright, Riddle. You got your wish. You and Lover Boy do what what you can. Jimmy'll be back up."
Post by jimmyconnelly on Dec 4, 2011 21:34:50 GMT -5
"yeah I'll hold off till ya need me." he said.
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For we all are caught in the middle of one long, treacherous riddle.
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Post by Riddle on Dec 4, 2011 23:19:51 GMT -5
"Thanks," Riddle said reluctantly to both of them. And it was only then that she remembered. "Though, if you're really hankering for some violence," she said with a smirk, "I could suggest another worthy target..."
Post by jimmyconnelly on Dec 5, 2011 0:12:35 GMT -5
"Yeah? Who would that be?" Jimmy asked with definite interest.
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For we all are caught in the middle of one long, treacherous riddle.
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Post by Riddle on Dec 5, 2011 8:25:59 GMT -5
"My brother, as a matter of fact," she said without a hint of guilt. "Well, the oldest of 'em--Joseph Eisenberg. Runs a small-time gang on the Upper East Side. 'Parently, while I was in the Refuge, he got engaged to this newsgirl. She broke it off when he started beating on her, and he ain't left her alone since." She shrugged. "Guy's always been a bastard, so I told her I'd get it taken care of if I could."
Post by jimmyconnelly on Dec 5, 2011 8:54:33 GMT -5
"And you wouldn't care if I killed your brother?" Jimmy asked, raising a brow. Somehow this seemed like a bad idea.
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For we all are caught in the middle of one long, treacherous riddle.
Posts: 147
Post by Riddle on Dec 5, 2011 9:06:08 GMT -5
"Didn't say to kill him," she said, though she wasn't sure she would care when you came right down to it. "Just...ask him to let the girl alone." She raised an eyebrow significantly on the word 'ask.' "If you're up to it, I mean. I sure as hell can't pay you or nothing."